Entourage (2015)
Entourage," the much-anticipated big-screen version of the award-winning hit HBO series, reunites the show's original cast, led by Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara and Jeremy Piven. Movie star Vincent Chase (Grenier), together with his boys, Eric (Connolly), Turtle (Ferrara) and Johnny (Dillon), are back...and back in business with super agent-turned-studio head Ari Gold (Piven). Some of their ambitions have changed, but the bond between them remains strong as they navigate the capricious and often cutthroat world of Hollywood. (C) WB
Rating: R (for pervasive language, strong sexual content, nudity and some drug use)
Genre: Comedy
Directed By: Doug Ellin
Written By: Rob Weiss, Doug Ellin
In Theaters: Jun 3, 2015 Wide
On DVD: Sep 29, 2015
US Box Office: $32.4M
Runtime: 1 hr. 45 min.
Entourage là một bộ phim hài Mỹ tiếp nối theo series cùng tên kênh HBO và được đạo diễn bởi Doug Ellin. Phim Đoàn Tùy Tùng có nội dung xoay quanh nhân vật Vince Chase (Adrian Grenier) - một diễn viên thần tượng mới nổi đang tìm mọi cách để tiến thân ở Hollywood.
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